Archive | December, 2009

A Rain’s Fan Review: Ninja Assassin!

2 Dec

It’s been a while since I last wrote. Not that I’m busy, I’m just ‘lazy’ing around doing nothing. I’m a freelancer at the moment (well, it’s my polite way of saying I’m unemployed), so I really had a LOT of time in my hand surfing (the internet, of course), watching movies and dramas, as well as binge eating. On daily basis.

Okay, enough of this, actually the MAIN motivator or you could say, inspiration to kick-start this blog again is THE man called Jung Ji Hoon. Ring any bell? Yup, the VERY same Jung Ji Hoon, Asia’s Biggest Superstar from South Korea. Nothing clicked yet? *rolls eyes* How about the man who kicked arse in NINJA ASSASSIN?

If the bell indeed rang, I’ll just say…. Ha! Finally we are thinking on the same frequency.

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